Monday, April 30, 2012

B. Toys.

Just B. You is their motto. I love these toys, I practically got all the ones they had available for his age group. They are the cutest and honestly the only toys I will buy for him that are plastic because I like all wooden toys much better since they last longer, they are cuter and not full of all the bad stuff most plastic toys have in them. But these toys are very durable and safe for the kiddos just check out their FAQ's

Jaylen loves these little bead connectors they make plenty of noise and he can put them in his mouth without any worry from me. I got all the B. Toys he has at Target because right now they are the only ones that sell them in store other wise you have to find them online from an outside site not of there own. If you are like me and want the cleanest safest toys for your kids I 100% recommend these.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Simple Strawberries.

Looks pretty scrumptious huh? I would have to agree, it was an "Off the Dome" snack I like to call it. This is great for little hands or yourself, it's healthy with just a bit of pleasure. I am a firm believer that Nutella can make anything better.. well when it comes to things like this not like pizza or something!

Simple recipe here:

2 Strawberries
Whole wheat bread

This portion is for 2 pieces of bread, in the photo that's about 1 big strawberry. So all did was spread a bit of Nutella over the bread, cut up a strawberry and laid them in a row and ate away, one for me and one for Jaylen.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Glowing Baths.

Taking a bath is the dark with glow sticks was uber fun for him, although he was in amazement when I broke them and they started to glow. I of course found this idea on Pinterest because it seems like all the great ideas are taken these days. No I'm kidding but I do get most if not all my interesting ideas from there. I recommend this for the little ones just because it's different and a fun way to spice up bath time a bit and if they love it so much grab another pack from the dollar store and keep it handy for another random day so they don't get bored of it to fast. 

Those eyes and that curly top, they get me every time..

Friday, April 20, 2012

Tepee Naps.

This tepee has had many uses since it arrived late for his birthday from Etsy.. all my fault by the way. Jaylen was in love with it once he saw it and didn't want to come out of it. I found the inspiration to get one for him from one of my favorite mom blogs; Happiness is Eva.  Although this is his first time napping in it, I can definitely see him doing this regularly. The mat he's laying on is from Ikea, not the most comfy thing but this tepee is on top of squishy mats so it's decent for napping a little one. 
And he has all his little friends to keep him company while he sleeps.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More Birthday Decor

 Although it was April 16th I want to share my decor ideas and his special day!
My decor ideas came from many blogs but I just made them into my own.

So I made his name with cardboard letters from joann fabrics also using fabric and paint that matched my color scheme. I hadn't planned on using the squeries sticking out of the side of the "J" and the taped twine on the walls, but that morning didn't exactly go the way I wanted to I had to make do with what I had around the house. So I got the idea to do this from but I changes it up a little, I really wanted to use the branch in the example but I couldn't find anything similar that was like that to be accessible to me.

So the circle garland at first had no place at all but I just knew I wanted to use it so I found two places to hang them in my little space to decorate. This garland looks easy to make but it was a very tedious and lengthy project, I would of documented it had it not been 2am and if I wasn't half asleep. With that said I got this idea from an etsy page I came across, I was going to order them but they didn't have my colors and I figured I could make them for the price it would cost me to buy them plus the tax and shipping. And I did I got the string for free, funny little story behind that. "We were at our neighborhood store the night before Jay's birthday and he wet his diaper so I ran out to the car to change him because I didn't bring it in the store and Jaylen was holding the string and I didn't notice until we were pulling out." Anyway so the paper was 65cent and half off and I used 4 colors you do the math. Those turned out great and I even recycled them and used them in his play room and bedroom.
(not the best picture sorry)

Every needs birthday hats, so instead of buying those small ugly and slightly shiny typical birthday hats I made them. I don't know if you can tell but they are slightly bigger than the standard birthday hat. I also wanted them to be plain but stick out a little so they wouldn't out shin Jaylen's special birthday hat so thats why I took the time to cordinate the color of the hat with the ribbon. This idea to make these hats came from pinterest then yet another link, I was going to embellish them like the example I found but I thought they looked fine the way they were. 

The main center piece that just made Jaylen stand out at his little party, tissue paper pom poms! These were fun to make because anticipating how they would look after you opened them was the exciting part. And when I stepped back to really look at them they looked so good. I saw this idea on tumblr on one of my favorable mom blogs. But she ordered her's and I was going to but again they didn't have the colors I was going for so I found out how to make them myself. I also made them for a lot cheaper rather than buying them. I got the tissue paper at party city for a dollar for 4 colors and the ribbon for $2.67 and I got 3 colors of that orange, yellow and green. 

The banner, you just have to have the "happy birthday" banner. So I made this myself with a little inspiration of course but making it was simple I just used some stock paper from joann's and found a font I like on the computer and then simply printed it out, traced the letters and cut them out. I was originally going to buy this banner too but like the rest of the decor I decided to make it. Although the link to the paper says the paper was 9 dollars no way I spent that much om some paper. I got them in store for 65 cent each. So in the end I saved a bunch. When it came to putting these together it wasn't as tedious as the circle garland surprisingly. All I did was poke a small hole in each side of each letter and put the string through and tied it
Streamers! Chevron streamers that is, so theses little guys were probably the easiest for me as far as assembly after maybe they weren't but I just wanted to make myself feel better about it. Any way I used orange and green it looks really lime green but at party city that was the closest I could get to a pastel green. I saw this on pinterest and I followed the trail to the link that led me here to this wonderful idea I just had to steal.

Jaylen's 1st Birthday!

The Cake! I will say I'm the proud designer of the cake, I took the decorations that I came up with and the colors and shapes and just designed the cake off the dome. Then I sent the picture of what I wanted it to look like to my sister and she just drew it so it was a lot more understandable than my first sketch. She took it to a local baker and they made this cute little..well 5 tier cake. The candle was very last minute and not what I had in mind but it worked.

 The rest of the food ended up just being fruits and veggies even though I had planned for more we were running out of time to get to our next destination of the day. And that funny looking juice bottle was a last minute thing too, I had originally planned for a homemade drink but this was close enough. So because I didn't make my own drink I decided to decorate the bottle with the left over fabric and ribbon. As far as the fruits and veggies I did see this idea elsewhere but again just made it my own, so I first saw it on pinterest then I followed the link and presto! In the back ground you can see the cups and plates, for those I ended up just using white plates because I already had so much color I didn't want to add even more and then to make them pop a little I got square ones and not just plain ole circle plates.

 What Jaylen wore on his birthday! I wanted something special and memorable for him to have always. So I set out to find the perfect outfit, and I knew I wanted two different things for him to wear. One for the party shindig and the other for the outing. I found everything on etsy, the hat and bib were a perfect match to my color scheme and so was the #1 shirt and amazingly it happened to match the fabric on the "N" in his name banner! I got everything for a pretty reasonable price considering how they had to make everything and the personalization and I figured it was all worth it because it's for memory purposes and for my amazing son.

Now with all that said I really do believe Jaylen had an amazing 1st birthday and I couldn't of planned it any better, he got just enough gifts and the "after" party was just right for his age. I will highlight the gifts through links if anyone is interested because no lie I got one gift idea from another mom. So he got a teepee, shape sorter, zany zoo, smartrike and mega bloks! In the end the easiest thing about this party was the theme, although there wasn't much of a theme here but more of a color scheme I believe it worked out best and especially for a 1st birthday when they really don't know what they like yet the best is to just go with neutral colors that are for a boy or girl, or gender neutral colors for twins! Or what ever just keep it simple for the 1st one.

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