The Cake! I will say I'm the proud designer of the cake, I took the decorations that I came up with and the colors and shapes and just designed the cake off the dome. Then I sent the picture of what I wanted it to look like to my sister and she just drew it so it was a lot more understandable than my first sketch. She took it to a local baker and they made this cute little..well 5 tier cake. The candle was very last minute and not what I had in mind but it worked.
The rest of the food ended up just being fruits and veggies even though I had planned for more we were running out of time to get to our next destination of the day. And that funny looking juice bottle was a last minute thing too, I had originally planned for a homemade drink but this was close enough. So because I didn't make my own drink I decided to decorate the bottle with the left over fabric and ribbon. As far as the fruits and veggies I did see this idea elsewhere but again just made it my own, so I first saw it on
pinterest then I followed the
link and presto! In the back ground you can see the cups and plates, for those I ended up just using white plates because I already had so much color I didn't want to add even more and then to make them pop a little I got square ones and not just plain ole circle plates.
What Jaylen wore on his birthday! I wanted something special and memorable for him to have always. So I set out to find the perfect outfit, and I knew I wanted two different things for him to wear. One for the party shindig and the other for the outing. I found everything on
etsy, the
hat and bib were a perfect match to my color scheme and so was the
#1 shirt and amazingly it happened to match the fabric on the "N" in his name banner! I got everything for a pretty reasonable price considering how they had to make everything and the personalization and I figured it was all worth it because it's for memory purposes and for my amazing son.
Now with all that said I really do believe Jaylen had an amazing 1st birthday and I couldn't of planned it any better, he got just enough gifts and the "after"
party was just right for his age. I will highlight the gifts through links if anyone is interested because no lie I got one gift idea from another mom. So he got a
shape sorter,
zany zoo,
smartrike and
mega bloks! In the end the easiest thing about this party was the theme, although there wasn't much of a theme here but more of a color scheme I believe it worked out best and especially for a 1st birthday when they really don't know what they like yet the best is to just go with neutral colors that are for a boy or girl, or gender neutral colors for twins! Or what ever just keep it simple for the 1st one.