Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Monkey See Monkey Do

I think it's a toddler thing? Kids will always copy what we do even when we least expect them too. I definitely try to always set the best example for Jaylen but what I struggle with is the people around him. I know how I want to behave and be portrayed but I can't always help what he see's and hears in the outside world or other people in my family. Although they know what I would like around him, from their own mouths and the T.V but we are human and everyone can sometimes forget the kids listen and listen well. But they things like this that he see's me doing are the greatest. Writing..

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sick days...

Orange juice, water, and Vicks Steam Inhaler.

      Jaylen has never been the kind of kid that gets sick often or does he ever get really sick. I can thank myself some for that because I breastfed for sooo long. I can say he's only been sick about 3-4 times in the past 2 years and he probably wouldn't of had that much if he hadn't been in and out of daycare. But it's okay, he bounces back fast and doesn't stay sick long. This time he was majorly congested and it was hard for him to sleep so I knew I wanted something to help instead of just letting it pass on it's own. 

      So I found this little portable humidifier thingy? It's by Vicks and super cheap! I found it at Walmart here, they have all kinds of different ones but considering I bought it in the store they actually didn't have as many choices as online. It's good to just have just in case and it's really easy to clean and store away, 

Oh! and I forgot to mention it comes with little vapor strips you put inside of it with the hot water so it's not just a water humidifier. Check it out for sure it's great for the little ones and yourself when you're sick and congested. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dinner with the Shermans

Pasta Chicken and Cheese Bake

My sister and I wanted to make dinner for everyone when she came up to Visit again. We ended up just sort of putting something together and it worked out really well and tasted even better. It's always a lot of fun in what ever we're doing so of course crazy pictures and a beer are involved. 
I will put the ingredients and directions below so you can try it out yourself. Yummy Up!

- Chicken breast 1lb
- Milk 2 cups
- Cheese cheese cheese (you can use any kind you want that blend together but we used these 3)
      - Mozzarella
      - Cheddar
      - Monaray Jack
- Pasta (Penne Rigate is the kind we used)
- Butter  
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Minced Garlic
- Salt and pepper
- Poultry season
- Italian season

Start off grilling your chicken and seasoning it to your preference, then boil your pasta. Cut up the chicken in to small chunks and set them both aside after prepared.
Then and a table spoon of butter, minced garlic and the oil on med-low in a pot to start warming it up. Then while that's warming go ahead and add the pasta to the pot and stir, then add the chicken. Let them all warm up together for a bit. I added a half of cup of water just so it wouldn't all get to sticky. Once it's warmed a bit, start to add your cheeses one by one and a little at a time of all of them so one doesn't over power the other. We used only a half of each. You can add as little or as much cheese as you want, it's all up to how strong you want your cheese taste to be. 

So while your adding the cheese start adding half cups of milk until it's the consistency you want, we added 2 whole cups by time we were done adding in all the cheese. After it's all mixed together in the pot, grab your baking dish and be sure you oil the dish with a little oil to help it ease out of the pan. 

Pop it in the oven for 20-30 minutes on 350. Since it's already all cooked you are just adding a slight bake to it so it's a little crispy and golden. 

I hope you enjoy yours just as much as we did!

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